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Missionary Training Center (MTC) - Preston, England

Yeah we have a really fun group of the eight of us that flew together. It's already been raining a little here and I love it. Suprisingly, it looks a lot like home with the hills, just the hills are all green and not brown like California. I heard the food here is really good, but we shall see. In my interview with the Missionary Training Center (MTC) President he noticed the amateur radio stuff I wrote on the informatin form we sent them about me and I was happy about that. I also told him about my connection with soon to be President Stevens (the soon to be incomming new Mission President), about William Yancey (Great Grandfather), and of course about my relation to Brigham Young (Fifth Great Grandfather), and they thought it was all awesome. Here is a picture of me, all official with my name tag. I'm off to go take a nap now (they said we could). Talk to you soon!

Elder Ammermon


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