Hey everyone! This has been an amazing first week at the MTC. Even though I got here late, and my bags even later, my time here has been fun and well spent. Highlight of the week: Elder and Sister Nelson from the Quorum of the Twelve apostles came to visit! That was such a nice suprise and an amazing experience. My companion, Elder Mthombeni, is from South Africa. We have already formed a great unity in our teaching and studying. We have had the opportunity to teach Falon, Christian, and Joe (these are played by teachers but portray real investigators) and we both feel a huge success in our teaching so far.
Once we got to the MTC, they put us into disctrics of about 6 missionaries, or three companionships. I am in the Ammon district, and they made me district leader! It has been such an unforseen blessing to be able to serve those in my district as their leader. As for the MTC its self, it is such a beautiful place. There are only 25 missionaries here right now, and we all have gotten very close. President Preston (MTC president), and Sister Preston are so wonderful and loving to us all. There is a pond in the back, and a goose family that lives back there. The male we named "Big Poppa Goose Boss" because he rules the pond. If you get too close to certain areas of the pond edge, especially where his mate hangs out, he will come let you know.
My advice for everyone this week, is always remember to obey commandments. Obeying brings blessings, but obeying with exactness will bring miracles. I have already witnessed this with Joe, who plays an 18 year old less active member. We were able to really connect with him, and I personally felt able to connect with some of his feelings and attitude towards going to church and ideas about the Gospel, and so on. Commandments and rules are not meant to restrict us, but help us gain freedom. Always remember that.
I will not have another p-day until I get into the mission field. I leave the MTC a week from today, and I will email and post the following Monday (I hope). Until then, remember to obey, and always have faith and hope.
-Elder Ammermon
p.s. I am already picking up a slight accent!