And just like that, week five is done. This week was... interesting to say the least. The best part had to be interviews with President Stevens on Tuesday, and our trip to Finchingfield on Friday.
Interviews on Tuesday were fantastic. We drove to Ipswich with the Elders from Chelmsford, Elders Paul and Famuliner. Driving with them is always so much fun. At interviews we had some time to talk with Sister Stevens while our companion was with President Stevens. Talking with her was great, as was getting to know President Stevens was too.
On Friday (July 10) we decided to go up to Finchingfield and do some finding. Finchingfield is about a 30 minute drive north from Braintree. It took us longer to get there because we started from Bocking, and our sat nav decided to take us on a really sketchy back road, with national speed limit. National speed limit for one lane in each direction (single carriageway) is 60 mph. Some of these roads SHOULD NOT be national speed limit. They are really windy and can barely fit two cars, let alone at 60 mph. Once we got to Finchingfield, I realised how gorgeous it is there. We had clear skies with just a few clouds, warm temperature, and stunning scenery. The church there was built in the 10th century, we stopped a guy that said his house was built in 1745, and they also had a windmill similar to the one we found in Bocking. Apparently Finchingfield is a hotspot for photographers, and I can see why. We didn't have much luck finding there, but luckily our appreciation of nature and man made scenery kept our spirits high.

Something Elder Seely and I have been trying to do lately is stop and smell the roses, literally and figuratively. A few times now we have seen roses and stopped to smell them, but more often we will be walking somewhere, and we just stop for a minute or two and soak in the beauty of the earth.
We get so many blessings each and every day that we don't even notice. It's always the small miracles that go unseen, but these are the events that make dwelling here on earth bearable and even joyful! There are many times when I say to myself "Wow. You are in England, bringing a message to people that will bring them true joy not only in this life, but also the life to come. How can you worry about anything? Why are you letting door slams and other rejection bring you down? It's not your fault! Everyone has the choice, you are simply the messenger. The tool in the hand of the Lord". Keeping this in mind has made it possible to pull through the rejection and hard times. I challenge each of you to stop and smell the roses more often, and my promise is that as you do so, you will grow to have more joy in your every day life.
Cheers until next week,
Elder Ammermom