This week went by so fast as usual. It was a changing week for me especially. This week we had zone conference with President and Sister Stevens with Ipswich and Norwich zone meeting at the Ipswich stake centre, and we visited the villages of little Totham, Flinch Green, and Little Dunmow. We also came to dinner Saturday night with Duncan and Fiona wearing the full armour of God.
Zone conference was great. Meeting together with Norwich zone was great as well because I got to see more missionaries from my MTC group and hear of their work. We got free pizza, had some great trainings on member missionary work and how they support us/ we support them, and of course seeing President and Sister Stevens is always a great thing.
The other highlight of this week was Saturday when we decided to go to work in the village of Flinch Green. The gps took us to a neighbourhood in Flinch Green, but we decided to park and walk down the main road more. This is how we ended up in Little Dunmow. It is a smaller town with some really nice and stereotypical "British" homes. As we were walking through, we asked this guy named Ian how to get to Felsted, and he said he was just about to drive through there and he offered to give us a ride and we accepted. He is a really cool guy! Originally born in Zambia, moved here many years ago, and has a degree in Geology if I remember right. People have so many cool stories here that we get to hear every week. Now in Felsted, we found this cool old red telephone booth with a book cabinet in it that people from the community have left books in for people to read. Naturally, we left a Book of Mormon.
To continue the Saturday adventure, we decided to make the "Armour of God" to wear to dinner. It is the feet of peace, loins of truth, shield of faith, breastplate of righteousness, sword of the word of God, and helmet of Salvation (Ephesians 6). We made our armour out of anything we could find around the flat. Boxes, toilet paper rolls, a backpack, etc... I don't think Fiona or Duncan will soon forget that image.
Upcoming this week we have more village finding (we want to get back to Finchingfield), we get to meet with Sue and Phillip this week, and really just make the most of our time together, because it is only two more weeks, then one of us will leave.
Until next week,
Elder Ammermom