Pictures are: St. Mary's Church just outside of Witham where I played the organ, me at the organ in St. Mary's church, which came out of Windsor castle, kings college in Cambridge, inside Kings College Chapel, more of Kings College
I am now officially done with being a greenie! I also have the news that I will be staying here in the Witham area for at least another 6 weeks. My new companion will be Elder Bastian. Tomorrow we take the train into London and I drop Elder Seely off and pick up Elder Bastion. It feels like yesterday that I was saying how bad I wanted to be done with the first three months, and now it's over. This past week was a good one, especially last P-Day and Sunday. We also went to a village called Tollesbury this week.
Last p-day we went up to Cambridge to visit. It was great! It rained the whole time though, but I guess that's just how it goes in England. We decided to visit Kings College, specifically the chapel. It's amazing to be in such a historically saturated place.
This past Sunday we had a cool experience. We decided to walk up to our dinner appointment here in Braintree, and on the way up this guy pulled over and said "Hey! You're Mormons right?" Us: "uh yeah?" Him: "I just wanted to say thank you for your book (the Book of Mormon). I have some friends from up north that are Mormons and they gave me a book and it has really helped me get through a huge snake in my life right now. Like king cobra sized". Sadly he drove off before we could say anything, but it was just such a cool experience.
Not much else this week, time is short because of packing and cleaning that needs to be done. P-day next week is also changed again to Tuesday because of a mission conference in Hyde Park on Monday.
Until next week,
Elder Ammermon