Well, it's transfers week again! *Drum roll please* and I am staying here in the Witham ward for another six weeks. Now for Elder Bastien *Another drum roll* he is leaving me to Milton Keynes! I will be picking up my new companion, Elder Diaz, on Wednesday in London. Elder Diaz is from Brazil and has been out in the mission field for 12 weeks now. I am very happy that I am staying here in this ward, but at the same time I know it will come to an end after these six weeks are over. The most a missionary is kept in one area is 6 months (except for some special situations), and at the end of this next transfer I will have hit six months here.
This past week included more gardening and other service projects, the usual (finding, stopping by members, etc...) but there are two definite events that stand out to me as special: teaching Maddie and a Facebook message I got from Bernadette.
So this past week we started teaching a seven year old girl in the ward named Maddie. She turns eight this month and we have been asked to help her be prepared for her baptism, which is on November 1. What a great opportunity! Teaching gospel principles in their simplest form has really shown me how to be a better teacher. I am so grateful for this opportunity to help prepare Maddie for her baptism.
The other exciting news from this week is that I heard back from Bernadette (Bernie) the lady Elder Seely and I found here while she was on holiday from Northern Ireland. We found her outside the chapel and offered to give her a tour of the building, and she accepted. Anyway
, we had a great lesson with her but sadly she had to go back to Ireland. After nearly three months since then, the missionaries were finally able to get in contact with her in Northern Ireland. What a great moment of excitement and joy to see that she has met with the missionaries again and wants to keep learning more.
Upcoming this week is the transfers trip into London on Wednesday to pick up Elder Diaz, and then I will start the process all over again of getting him used to the area.
Until next week,
Elder Ammermon