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Baptism Interview

Hello everyone! What a great week we had here. Stressful, but great. In the picture is myself and Tan, a friend of the Sisters in Colchester who is investigating the church. Yesterday I had the honour and privilege of interviewing him for his baptism which is coming up soon. This was such a great way to end the week here.

The trip into London was uneventful, but I guess that's a good thing. I am always amazed at how busy the train stations are and how fast everyone is moving

. When we get or are told we are getting a new companion, everyone that is transfering or changing companions meets at one of the bigger stations in London, like Euston station. We then pick up our new companion and head back to our area. Train travel (plus tube travel) from London to Braintree is about an hour and a half, mostly spent on the train. We don't have a lot of time on the tube. It all went smoothly this transfer and we made it back here in good time. Elder Bastien was moved to the Milton Keynes area, the land of roundabouts. We heard it is set up in a grid system like a lot of the bigger cities in America, just at every block they have a roundabout, instead of a traffic light. I think that could get quite confusing quite fast.

This past week we have been doing a lot of work like visiting members and other people around the area to help Elder Dias get to know the area as fast as possible. The most a missionary will stay in an area is 6 months (except for a few rare occasions). Since my six months in this area will be up at the end of this transfer, I will likely be leaving this area. Elder Dias will have to show his new companion around, so we are making sure he knows this area well.

I learned how to play the Autoharp last night! And today I got the chance to tune a piano. I never thought I'd use that skill on my mission, but I guess there is a use for everything.

I'm running short on time this week as usual, but having a great time!


-Elder Ammermon

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