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Tan's Baptism & Tuning Piano

Well, another week has gone by so fast. I remember when I first got here to Braintree and I thought of the possibility of staying here six months, it seemed like forever! Now I probably only have four more weeks left in this area and I want the time to slow down. Six months will come up so fast.

This week was a great one! We were able to make it to Tan's baptism and Sue was able to come, I went to London on Tuesday for a super Mission Leadership Conference (MLC), we got to see the Clarke's on Saturday for their party, I got to spend Thursday in Colchester and yesterday we taught Maddie one last time before her baptism.

Tan's baptism was a great experience. It was the first baptism I've seen as a missionary and the Sisters even roped me in to doing a special musical number, which I'm glad I got to do for Tan.

Tuesday, the day I went in to London, was an especially crazy day. I left my companion in Chelmsford with the district leaders companion from there, and myself and Elder Koponen (the Chelmsford district

leader) went to the mission office in South Kensington together. Many insightful trainings were given to help us all become better leaders in the mission. Leadership in any position should be about serving those you lead. We got home really late that night and I pretty much just got into the flat and crashed.

We got the chance to go to a party at the Clarke's home on Saturday.

They wanted to take this opportunity to be grateful for all the things people around them have done for them, and also give thanks to God for the many blessings they have received. They got to the UK about 12 years ago, and have struggled to obtain British citizenship ever since. Even though they had two children born here, the children don't become British citizens right away either. It was great to be able to hear some of their stories and how they have been blessed through their trials. We also had some really good Jamaican jerk chicken and ribs.

Every transfer I have the opportunity to go on an exchange with our Zone Leaders. In the past, I have been the one to stay in our own area because I drive here. This time I got to go to the Zone Leader's area in Colchester for the day. We took care of some administrative things, then we got to go talk with university students near the University of Essex. Exchanges are always a great way to learn more as well.

Yesterday we were able to have a short lesson again with Maddie before her baptism this coming Sunday. We taught about receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost and how the Holy Ghost guides and directs us through questions we have, and keeps us on the right path. Teaching kids is such great practice for us, because our lessons need to be so simple.

Upcoming this week we have district meeting on Tuesday, my five month mark is on Wednesday, and Sunday is Maddie's baptism! Woohoo!


Elder Ammermon

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