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Continue Teaching and Serving

Pictures: Brooks Family and Pew Family. Mr. Pew is 93.

At the start of my time here in England, everyone told me that the days feel like weeks, and the weeks feel like days. I didn't believe them. Days felt like weeks, but weeks felt like months. Now, days feel like hours and weeks feel like days. Time is just flying!

I had a driving lesson last Saturday, and things went very well. The driving test here will be a lot harder than over in the states. I will need to do one of a few reversing manoeuvres such as a three point turn in the road, reversing around a corner, parallel parking, and reversing into a bay. My test is scheduled for December, so I should have enough time to be ready.

I don't have much time this week, so I will give a shorter recap on what has gone on. We had a late birthday party for me on Friday and I came home with a giant brownie, that will probably turn into lunch for today. We were going to have a baptismal interview last Saturday, but that had to be postponed.

Last Tuesday was a Zone Conference. For this, the Norwich and Ipswich zones converged on the Ipswich chapel and President and Sister Stevens came to give trainings and be with us. It was great. We were taught how we can use our weekly planning time more effectively, as well as better ways to have conversations with people.

Upcoming this week we have a busy week again. We have some new people to teach, and I get to burn a tie as part of tradition. At six months we burn a tie, at one year we burn a shirt, and 18 months we burn trousers, and at two years we burn a suit. It is so weird to think that I am already 1/4 done with my mission. Time goes by so fast!

All the best,

Elder Ammermon

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