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Another Baptism and Transfers

This past week went by so fast, as they all do now. Days feel like weeks, and weeks feel like days. Elder Dalley made it back fine from transfers, and I got to do another baptismal interview last night!

Transfers in the England London Mission are pretty cool. Those of us getting a new companion take the train into London to one of the big stations, this time we went to Euston. The trains from Bedford come into London to the St. Pancras International station, so we have to take the tube to Euston. It's always fun trying to haul luggage through a London tube station during rush hour. Once we get to Euston, we find our new companion in the herd of missionaries standing around on the side, and take off again to our areas.

The Bedford district consists of the Bedford Elders (us), Bedford Sisters, Huntington Elders, and Huntington Sisters. The Huntington area is lucky to have an American military base in their area, and because of this they have Americans in their ward. Their ward is one of the biggest in the mission, with 430 on the ward list, and about 200 attending church regularly.

The Huntington Sisters have been teaching an American girl by the name of Amery, and she is preparing for baptism on January 17. She is originally from Georgia and is here in England because she comes from a military family and lives on the base in Huntington. Just as I did for Tan in Colchester and Oliver here, I got to do her baptismal interview. All the interview is are some simple questions to help me get to know the person and to feel if they have met the qualifications for baptism. Amery passed, and she is one more step closer to baptism!

P-day next week will be on Tuesday due to having interviews in Northampton on Monday. Cheers!

Elder Ammermon



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