We got snow! What a great way to end this week. The highlights of the week were interviews with President Stevens yesterday, the dusting of snow on Sunday, and meeting with new people to teach. I also got to meet another ham radio operator!
Once every three months or so we get to have an interview with our mission president. Yesterday was the interview, which I loved. We had it here at the Bedford chapel which made travel easy for us of course. In the interview we just talk about how the missionaries in the area are doing and how our own area is doing.
Last week I got to meet Ian (G4GIR, pictured with me) and his wife Jean. We had been going out to this area called Brick Hill and in one of our visits I spotted the antennas in their back yard. I decided I had to go knock on their door and luckily they were home! We all had such a good conversation and I loved being there with them. They said I am only the 4th ham visitor to their home and the first DX (out of the country) visitor. Like I have noticed before, it is such a great thing to be part of a few worldwide large families.
I've realised that the cold days I experience here are much worse than what I experienced in Utah. In Utah, the cold is a dry cold. I could go wear shorts outside in 10 C (50 F) temperature and be fine. Here, it is always wet. The cold pierces right to the bone even with multiple layers on. I finally had to get my big jacket out of its vacuum bag to use. Our Mission President's wife saw Elder Dalley roll into our church parking lot on our bikes with our big coats on and all wrapped up for the 3 C temperature that day and said "Now you two look like real missionaries!"
Elder Ammermon
P.S. I was able to play an organ that came out of Windsor Castle and the organ is now in the Church of England in Rivenhall. The organ is very old for sure.