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Wrecked My Bike.. Newtons Law

What a week... Costco on Monday, Zone meeting on Friday, spent the rest of Friday and Saturday in Huntingdon on an exchange, wrecked my bike on Saturday, and back to Monday again.

So last p-day we decided to make a trip to Milton Keynes, which is the area to the west of us. The bus ride was almost an hour, and once we got to Milton Keynes we had no idea what to do. Then we remembered... Costco! We had to take another bus about four miles from the bus station to get back out to Costco, but it was so worth it. Walking into Costco here is like walking into a little piece of America. The layout is exactly the same, a lot of the products are exactly the same (shipped over from the states) and it even smelled the same. We even got hot dogs at the food court, which were the same relative price (£1.50 instead of $1.50). They did sell slightly different things at the food court, like jacket potatoes (baked potatoes) and some kind of meat pie. We probably got way too much excitement out of going to Costco, but it was so worth it.

Jump to Saturday for the fun bike story. So we normally ride our bikes to get to the church building in Kempston, which is about 2 miles away. Not bad. We were riding along the river as the short cut we always take, and then my bike exploded. Not actually, but it got messed up. I needed to shift down to get up a hill, and in the process the rear derailor (the thing in the back that changes the gears) bent into the spokes in the wheel, got caught, and got ripped off. The bike is now dead. Rather than take it back to the flat, we locked it to a lamp post and left it there overnight, praying it wouldn't get stolen.

Our prayers were answered because the bikes survived the night! Elder Dalley gracefully towed me home with the bike lock. Everyone was staring at us but it was hilarious.

I never thought I would use Newtons laws to teach people, but it happened. One fact that is easily recognised is how we have to have an opposition to all things. We have to know dark to know light, sour to know sweet, and on a deeper level sorrow to know happiness, and so on.

Just like Newtons 3rd law, there is an equal and opposite reaction to everything. I am a very logical thinker, so applying scientific theories to life questions works for me. I've noticed in myself and in others that the greater a trial, the greater the ability to see good and feel happiness. This is the opposing reaction I used to describe with Newton's third law.

Upcoming this week we have a zone conference in St. Albans tomorrow and another exchange.

Have a good one!

Elder Spencer Ammermon

England London Mission

64-68 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road

South Kensington


England SW7 2PA

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