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Transferred to Wembley in London & New Companion from Spain, Elder Suxo

Pictures: The Bedford District

Transfers week... Drum roll please... I am moving again! This time I'm going to Wembley in London! My new companion will be Elder Suxo from Spain. Even though I did spend three months in Bedford, it felt like only a few days. It feels like yesterday I was hauling my bags off the train to move to Bedford, and now tomorrow I move out. Bedford has taught me a lot and it'll always be a special place for me. I guess I need to learn how to be more of a "real missionary" using more public transportation in London.

This past week we had an interesting incident in Bedford. While I was on an exchange in Huntingdon, Elder Dalley and Elder Koponen stayed in Bedford. Apparently someone found a hand grenade in the bus station and it made them late for the dinner appointment. Never a dull moment in Bedford. A few weeks ago we found a new investigator by the name of Keith. Keith is in his 60's and had been taught once or twice a few years ago. We set a return appointment with him but it fell through. A few days later we decided to stop by to get another appointment (he doesn't have a phone) and we caught him at home and ended up teaching him and putting him on date for March 12, but the story continues even more. Last Sunday we wanted to have him at church and we had him confirmed, but his ride fell through last minute. Because my bike is in the shop right now, we started walking to his house around 8.15 on Sunday morning. We caught him right as he was walking out the door to go on a walk, and he said he would come to church! We walked with him for 45 minutes back to Bedford Town Centre, got a bus church, and barely made it on time. The journey to church that morning was almost two hours long but so worth it.

Last Sunday Doe also got ordained to have the Priesthood, or the authority to perform certain actions in God's name. His son Chris has his baptism scheduled for March 5 and Doe will get to perform the baptism. It is so cool to be able to see Doe come full circle from his baptism just a few weeks ago.

This past transfer has been full of adventures and miracles. We have gotten to explore a lot of the Bedford area and figure out how to use the busses here, I passed my driving test, hit eight months out and so much more. A lot of what I have learned has come like the sunrise, rather than switching on a light. Slowly, gradually, and then I realize it later on.

That's all I have time for this week, but I will give the full update on Wembley next week.


Elder Spencer Ammermon

England London Mission

64-68 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road

South Kensington


England SW7 2PA

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