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A Church Mission is Not About Having it Your Way

Hello everyone!

This week has gone by fast, just like the rest of the weeks. We had two exchanges this past week. The mission has changed how we do exchanges, so now both missionaries go to the leaders area. Before it was just a swap. Tuesday to Wednesday we were both in Watford, and Wednesday to Thursday we had two more elders here in Wembley. Friday was zone conference in South Kensington, Saturday we played football, Yesterday was church and a young single adult fireside we got to go to, and now back around to Monday. Even though the week was extremely busy, I still got some time to reflect (though it wasn't much).

Something I remembered telling myself a while ago summarises my experience as a missionary so far: "You didn't come on a mission to have it your way. This isn't Subway".

Yep, there are times, lots of times, when we as missionaries would like things to go our way. This would be easy, and probably the lazy way as well. Not to say missionaries are lazy, but we are 19 and 20 and 21 year old guys (the sisters wouldn't have as much of a problem with this). Our way might seem like the fun way. I was brought back to all of this over the past week as I was contemplating what needs to happen in order to see a miracle, because they do really happen.

As I was thinking about it this week I decided to study this topic. First and foremost I found that 1. Obedience is key. This is so important because it shows our love for God, which is the first and great commandment as we find in Matthew 22:37 "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind". Over and over again we read through out the Book of Mormon "if ye keep my commandments ye shall prosper in the land". Turning again to the Book of Mormon we see this and more detail of what we need to do as the prophet Moroni explains in Ether 12. Here, we also see that 2. Miracles were brought by having faith that the miracle would come on the Lords timing, and 3. The patience to endure a trial of faith to see it happen. "And now, I, Moroni, would speak somewhat concerning these things; I would show unto the world that faith is things which are hoped for and not seen; wherefore, dispute not because ye see not, for ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith" (Ether 12:6)

I have found that I am not sincerely happy as I tried to do things my way. The happiness came through following this pattern of giving up what I wanted, following what I've been commanded to do, and then having hope and patience afterwards. Missionary work is not to just be endured, but enjoyed, just as life. There are still so many opportunities we find to make it fun even as we recognise "this isn't Subway".

Upcoming this week we are going in to central London today for p-day, and two more exchanges here in Wembley! It's going to go by fast again. I can't believe I've been in Wembley a month now! Perhaps the biggest miracle of all, after a month of darkness, we finally have a lamp in the bedroom. There have been so many leaks here it's shorted out half the light sockets. Welcome to Wembley!


Elder Spencer Ammermon

England London Mission

64-68 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road

South Kensington


England SW7 2PA

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