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Busiest Week So Far

This past week had to have been the busiest week of my mission so far. We had back to back exchanges, two trips to Watford, one trip to South Kensington, and two baptisms in the district!

The highlight of the week was having the baptism of Deepak and Mark in the Hayes ward. I interviewed Deepak last week and his baptism was on Saturday, and I interviewed Mark after Deepak's baptism and he was baptised the next day on Sunday (yesterday). Mark's interview and journey is one I will not forget.

Before any convert baptism happens, they are interviewed by the District Leader of the missionaries that taught them (or Zone Leader if taught by a District Leader). We go through some basic questions so the missionary doing the interview can get a feeling of the baptismal candidates testimony and grasp of what baptism means. The unique part of the interview with Mark is he is Autistic. Since he is Autistic, his thought process is different from what is considered normal. The best way to describe what I had going on mentally the days leading up to the interview was a "mental wrestling match". 99% of it was me thinking about my own inadequacy in understanding Mark's situation. I did all I could in the days leading up to his interview to learn about Autism and how he thinks and understands emotions. I learned that his thought process is extremely literal, and questions need to be specific and direct so his mind doesn't wonder. I knew he could tell right from wrong, I had a good feeling that he would be able to define certain commandments and principles for me as long as I was specific, but the problem yet to be solved was how I was going to get a sense of his testimony. This is almost entirely feelings based, something people with Autism don't readily grasp.

Before the baptism, we wondered upstairs because I heard someone playing the piano, and it turned out to be Mark! Suddenly my last question was answered. I realised that Mark's piano gift was my window into his emotions, because that's what it is for me. I've always felt I can express myself best when playing the piano, and I thought I could use this to help Mark. So when the interview time came, I asked to use a room with a piano in it. Mark and I started talking about what he had memorised, and he offered to play Claire de Lune by Claude Debussy (which happens to be one of my favourites). He played it flawlessly, by memory, with power and emotion that only comes through practice, talent, and the Spirit. To make a long story short, Mark passed the interview and is now a member of the Hayes ward.

This past weekend in Wembley there were two events at the stadium, which means the streets were absolutely packed with people, 75% of which were a little drunk. It always makes for good entertainment.

Have a great week!

Elder Spencer Ammermon

England London Mission

64-68 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road

South Kensington


England SW7 2PA

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