Well, this is the last week of the transfer already! It has been super crazy here, especially now that there is construction work going on in our flat.
Our flat we are in had a lot of water damage from leaks through the ceiling. A lot of the lights didn't work, the flooring was damaged, some of the walls were damaged, and then the giant hole in the ceiling in one of the bedrooms. Finally, on Tuesday, the construction guys came in the morning and ripped 80% of the floors out and started painting. So right now, 90% of what is in our flat is stuffed into the bedroom, and I'm back using the ironing board as a desk/ dinner table.
On Wednesday of last week we had three week meeting, which is where all the new missionaries and their trainers go to the office and we have a meeting with trainings and other things to do to help the new missionaries. This reminded me so much of my three week meeting just over a year ago.
The big excitement for this week is we are going to have four baptisms in the district this weekend! Kirra is going to be baptised in the Hayes ward on Saturday. Noela is going to be baptised on Saturday here in Wembley and Diane and her daughter Ingrid are going to be baptised on Sunday here in Wembley. It has been such an amazing experience to see all of these people grow in knowledge, even if they weren't taught by me like Kirra. Noela has made so much progress and has had so much patience with her work situation. She could have been baptised a while ago if it wasn't for her work situation holding her back. She has read the Book of Mormon cover to cover and is 1/3 of the way through it again. I consider myself lucky to see Diane and Ingrid's progression from the start. Hearing things like "ever since I started meeting with you guys and reading the Book of Mormon everything else in my life has gotten better as well. I haven't been depressed, I've stopped drinking all alcohol, and I want to spend more time with my family". This is the ultimate goal of any missionary. To see someone's life, let alone a whole family, change for the better, simply by taking our challenge to put our teachings to the test in their own life. I saw a quote right before I left for England last year that said something like "missionaries leave their families for a short time to help others be together for eternity" and it is so true. There is nothing better.
Upcoming this week is Zone Meeting on Friday, and the baptisms!
P.S. The pictures are all from Douglas and Debbie Edebiri and Debbie's mom Jan. They are from our prior church ward in Dana Point, CA and visiting Douglas's family in London England. I said "no way" three times when I saw them come through our church doors. The other pictures are of my Companion, Elder Meas who is from Cambodia giving a talk in church, Elder Meas and I, the front entrance to the church building, and us sitting in the church listening to Sacrament Meeting.
Elder Spencer Ammermon
England London Mission
64-68 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road
South Kensington
England SW7 2PA