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Half Way - Squirrel

Well, I have just entered into the time machine called the second half of my mission. Hump day has passed! May 27 was the day I left, May 28 was the day I was supposed to report to the MTC (which is what I count as hump day), and May 29 was the day I actually got to the MTC because of the whole cancelled flight situation. Let's look at some of the highlights from the past year:

May 29 was the day I walked in to the MTC in Chorley, near Preston. June 10 was the first day I got to the field and two days later I got to meet Elder Holland. July 25 was the day of the Witham ward barbecue where we first met Bernadette, the lady that got baptised in Ireland in January. October 14 was the day I started my new role as a District Leader, first in the Colchester district. November 28 Elder Parkin and I burned a tie for 6 months. December 27 was the day of Oliver and Doe's baptism in Bedford. January 28 I felt the huge relief as I passed my driving test. March 27 was Roisin's baptism in Wembley. May

7 was the baptism of Noela, and the following day was Diane and Ingrid's baptism. May 11 I arrived in Duston/Northampton as a new Zone Leader. Saturday we burned a shirt, and I also learned that Diane's son Daniel got baptised as well on Sunday. What a year.

So many good things happened over this past year. There was a lot of opposition and frankly some days I wish didn't exist, but those are made sweet just by the little good things. Just hearing about Daniel's baptism made all my stress go away at the time. This has been the pattern repeated my entire time over here. A time period of trial, and then some greater blessing later on.

This week will be another busy one. Cheers!

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