I recently had the question posed to me of "what is the craziest investigator story you have" which caused me to think about that, and I realised that I have a lot of stories. I decided to share some of the highlights, but first, a little more about last week.
In my new assignment, we have to do a lot of traveling around going to meetings, helping other missionaries in their areas, and so on. A lot of time gets spent doing this, but we are still expected to have a full working load in our own area. Being so busy makes the time go by so fast!
We had an amazing lesson with Louise this week. We were teaching the Plan of Salvation, which answers the three big questions of "where did I come from, why am I here, and where am I going?" As we teach, I like to imagine it as mining. Each of us has been taught these truths before we came to Earth, some of us just have it buried deeper than others. Some of us take a lifetime to understand, and some just get it like Louise. It is so amazing to see someone like her learning these things, because before she met missionaries at home in Northern Ireland, she had no real religious background. I think I would be way too stubborn to learn these things fresh like she is.
Crazy people stories... The one comes back to me from Witham where I got called "a miserable little s**t" by a grandma, I found a crack pipe in another investigators house in Braintree, lots of people came in off the street to the church in Wembley looking for food, so many people don't like me automatically once they hear my American accent, but it's all part of the fun. If only people knew that we are so used to it, it becomes funny.
Upcoming this week we have lots of district meetings to go to, an exchange, and another lesson with Louise!
Fun fact: we had a member buy is 1 sq ft of land in Scotland for £30 so I am officially Lord Ammermon now
Elder Spencer Ammermon
England London Mission
64-68 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road
South Kensington
England SW7 2PA