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Looking Back A Year & Barrister Ammermon

This past week has gone by so fast. I can't believe it's the end of the month already! Recently I have been looking back in my journal to what I was doing exactly a year ago, and it is abundantly clear to me that I really had no idea what I was doing. It's been fun to look back and see where I have come, which gives me an idea of where I am to go.

This past week I tried black pudding for the first time. I love it! I'm not entirely sure of what it is made of, but I know the primary ingredient is dried pigs blood. It is so good!

I was thinking about a lesson we had earlier in the week. Sometimes, our lessons do not go as planned. This was the case for a lesson we had on Tuesday. We were teaching a masters student at the Uni (working towards his masters in accounting) and we were teaching The Restoration, which introduces Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon, etc... In this lesson we make some pretty big claims, and they don't always go over well with the friends we teach. I wouldn't call the lesson a disaster, but there was a lot of confusion. We aren't perfect teachers and our friends aren't perfect listeners, and sometimes this can act up.

Looking back exactly a year ago, we went to this Renaissance faire to see one of our investigators sing in a choir there. I was also excited because it had been one month since the time I left home, and now it has been 13! To echo my words from a year ago, I can't believe how fast the time has gone.

Louise is going back to Northern Ireland today, which we didn't expect. We thought her departure date was Wednesday, but it came sooner than we thought. It has been such an amazing experience to watch her grow in knowledge of the truth, and also come to know for herself that she is making the right decisions. We never want to force anything on anyone, just simply teach and invite people to find out for themselves if it is true. It took me years of struggling to know, but Louise got it in a matter of days. Of course there is much to be taught still, but she is so receptive! It puts a great deal of pressure on us to make sure we teach clearly and effectively. Hopefully we will continue to teach her over Skype so she can work towards her baptism here next month!

Upcoming this week is a mission conference in South Kensington, and then Mission Leadership Conference the next day. We might be staying the night in London Thursday - Friday to cut down on travel time and costs. It's going to be busy!

The picture is of me dressed up as a barrister.


Elder Spencer Ammermon

England London Mission

64-68 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road

South Kensington


England SW7 2PA

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