Happy 4th of July!
I feel like I haven't even been in Northampton this week at all. We drove into London on Wednesday night, had our mission conference with President Kearon, had our leadership conference the next day which also took all day, and then came home. We spent a total of two days and two nights in London.
We had to drive our Hyundai into London (which is 78 miles away) to drop it off at the office. Our car (the Vauxhall) was supposed to be done on Friday, so we left the car in London and took the train home.
Saturday morning we called about the car, and they needed even more parts on it and now the car won't be done until tomorrow. The whole engine got replaced and the car is a 2014 model, I didn't think there could be this much wrong with a car that new. For now we are on foot and using busses. I like riding the bus, but it's no where near the convenience level of public transport in London.
All this time we spent in London was with President Kearon, the Europe Area President. He is a convert to the church and was found outside of, taught in, and baptised in the Hyde Park Chapel, where our mission office is. One phrase that was said in our conference that stuck out to me was "dumb it down". I can remember for the longest time having to try to explain electronics concepts to people and seeing it fly over their heads, and at times I get the same reaction to Gospel principles (at least I can recognise the facial expressions of when this happens now). What we teach is so simple an eight year old can grasp it, and doesn't need to be complicated any further. Another phrase that stood out to me was "the quiet listening companion may be just what someone needs". Ever since I had thought of going on a mission I always worried if I would be too introverted to get the job done. I have never been anti-social, I just always saw the extroverts as more capable. Realising that I am the quiet listening companion, I now see that a set of open ears and an open heart really are just what some people need.
Have a great week!
Elder Spencer Ammermon
England London Mission
64-68 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road
South Kensington
England SW7 2PA