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Lot's of Gardening Projects, Better Car, & Theme for the Month - Break The Routine and Have

We finally got our car back! I didn't realise how much of a tool the car really is for us. Using public transport in the countryside probably takes 3x as long to get anywhere, and we also heard that it is illegal for us to talk to people (for proselyting purposes) on the country busses. The week has gone by fast like they all do. We spent a lot of time doing gardening projects for new friends this week, and I have loved it!

The gardening projects all started with one person. She suggested that we could go help her friend Karen, so we did. We spent a few days at Karen's house mowing and obliterating weeds. While we were working there, one of Karen's friends Sophie walked by and asked if we could do her garden, so we did as well (on a different day). While we were at Sophie's house, we had to go get a trimmer and asked some of the neighbors. That has evolved into two more gardening projects now. Not only do I finding pushing a lawn mower around fun, it has been a good way for us to find people to teach. We now have two families to work with plus a friend of one of the families.

Every month we have a zone meeting, and ours was last Friday. Our theme this time was to "Break the Routine". Missionary work can sometimes be tedious, and we want our missionaries to have fun. We challenged everyone to try something different every day of the month this month and see the results that come. Some of the ideas are taking a members dog out for a walk to make it easier to talk with people, using a harmonica or some kind of instrument (that's from me) and other various ideas.

That's about it. Break the routine!

Elder Spencer Ammermon

England London Mission

64-68 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road

South Kensington


England SW7 2PA

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