The pictures are of the countryside where I'm at right now...
Lately I've really developed a love for teaching with analogies that I make up on the spot. My own knowledge of the Gospel is still pretty basic, so I like to think of these as ways to help me see the bigger picture as well.
We have so many words in the church that have completely different connotations to the average person. For example, we use the word "testimony" frequently. For example, "I bear you my testimony that I know the Book of Mormon is the word of God" . A testimony to the average person, is something only used in court. Another one is a ward. For us, a ward is a congregation that is mapped out geographically. For the rest of the world, a ward might be a section in a hospital. Taking these words out and using real world analogies has been my favorite way to teach. Here are a few examples of analogies I've made:
We believe that the Holy Ghost (or Holy Spirit) only comes to us as a constant guide after baptism and when given through proper authority and by the laying on of hands of those that have the authority to do so (literally) (see Acts 8:15-17) so I explained it like this: the Holy Ghost is like the London buses. They are everywhere, go everywhere, and you can trust them to direct you where you need to go.
The buses do you no good unless you have access to them, and you do this through some kind of contactless payment card, either an Oyster card or a contactless bank card. That is like receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost because it gives us access once we have the card, but it goes one step further. You need to have
money on your Oyster card or bank card for it to work, which is like being worthy and obedient to be able to feel the influence of the Holy Ghost. Once all of these work, you can tap in on the bus (or the tube, same idea) and use it.
This week we are going to be in London two days, and we have three exchanges. Going to be busy!
Elder Spencer Ammermon
England London Mission
64-68 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road
South Kensington
England SW7 2PA