Well, transfers week crept up on us again. To continue my streak of having one transfer companions, Elder Tonks will be transferred to the land of eternal p-day, known by many as home. I will be getting a new companion again, but with a twist: my new companion is Elder Parkin, who I spent Christmas with in Bedford! So it's been more like an eight month break and we are back together now.
With the exception of this new transfer with Elder Parkin again, I've had a new companion every transfer except Elder Seely, my first trainer. I've really learned to accept change as a good thing. To be honest, sometimes it does suck. The first time Elder Parkin and I got split up I was frustrated, because I didn't see the bigger picture.
Last week we got to visit the London temple, which is down in Surrey. For anyone that doesn't pay close attention, that's outside our mission. The London temple sits on something like 28 acres of land, and we walked almost the whole perimeter after our time inside. I have pictures but left my camera in the flat, so they will come next week.
That's all I have time for this week.
Elder Spencer Ammermon
England London Mission
64-68 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road
South Kensington
England SW7 2PA