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Louise's Baptism, Newtons 3rd Law, & Vietnamese Family to Teach

A lot has been happening the past few weeks. The big highlight was Louise's baptism and confirmation this weekend! I have been coming home every night exhausted but it feels good. The time is just going by so fast now.

Louise's baptism was a success. We put it together in three days which was a rush, but it worked out. Each baptism I've seen everyone come up out of the water and out of the font with a different reaction. Some are smiling, some start to cry, but Louise started laughing. That sums up her personality quite well. That was Friday. We were with her Saturday and she still hadn't had the second part done called confirmation, and the opposition towards her was so strong.

As missionaries, we attract crazy people and anti-Mormon/Christian people like hungry sharks to a school of fish. We know how to handle them, and 99% of the time we just listen, try to share what we know to be true (if they even listen) and just walk away. It doesn't even phase me any more. Louise was with us when it was particularly bad. Satan tries to get us most when we are about to do something good, and she was doubting her decision. I reasoned it this way: I look at it like this. Newtons 3rd law is "for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. If I kick a football with a force of 500N, it pushes back on me with -500N (negative to show the opposite direction). It helped Louise realise that because the opposition is so bad, it must mean what she is doing is really good. Come Sunday after her confirmation, we could tell she was just beaming, and what I explained came true. Who would have thought that you could apply science to religion...

We had a cool experience yesterday morning. We were falling short of our goals for the week, so we decided we needed to go talk with people before church and try to get someone new to come to church with us. We went to a place called Kettering road, and didn't have any luck for a while. We were outside a corner shop and saw a guy walk out, his name is Nam. We talked with him for a while, walked back to his house with him, had a lesson, he came to church, and now we have a Vietnamese family of four to teach! Such a miracle.

Upcoming this week is another trip to London, and a zone meeting on Friday.


Elder Spencer Ammermon

England London Mission

64-68 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road

South Kensington


England SW7 2PA

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