Hello Uni students! The new year for the University of Northampton is starting this week and I have loved seeing all the students walking around. Also, Autumn is officially here! We can definitely tell it's not summer any more, so goodbye sun until 2017.
University starts later than it did back home, and the system is different. We find a lot of success talking with students and in the process I get to learn about how the system works. Most degrees here are only three years and then two more for a masters if you want. The school year is just one year, not divided into semesters or trimesters. Just straight through. This week is something called "Freshers Week" which is like freshman orientation. They give out a bunch of free stuff on campus (including free food) and introduce all the new students to student life. The campus it's self is split into two parts: Avenue campus (which is smaller and out of our area) and Park campus. We don't usually go on to campus much because we can't "proselyte" there, but when we do it's a nice throwback for me of my time at BYU, though the campus is not nearly as big. We meet students from all over, both from England and international. I've met students from Canada, China, Portugal, Latvia, Romania, India, and so on.
My time here in the Duston Ward has gone so fast! I can't believe it's nearly been six months now. This coming week we have General Conference, the worldwide broadcast from Salt Lake City. It feels like yesterday that we had General Conference in Wembley. I probably only have a few weeks left here and it is going to be like leaving home all over again.
The past few days and today we have been getting ready for another trip to London for a leadership conference, and for a zone meeting on Friday.
Elder Spencer Ammermon
England London Mission
64-68 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road
South Kensington
England SW7 2PA