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October Church General Conference

It feels like yesterday that I was watching General Conference in Wembley, and now another Conference weekend has passed here in Northampton. It's weird to think that I only have one more conference left as a full time missionary, and I go home a month after the next conference. Anyways, here are a few of my Conference take-aways: Successful leaders have an Amulek. The story of Alma and Amulek was brought up by President Uchdorf. Alma is the high priest over the land and feels a great desire to help people that have strayed. He eventually finds Amulek, who has been prepared to help Alma in his work. Once they go together they are able to support each other and work with each other's strengths. Alma humbled himself, asked for help, and with Amulek they had success.

Success is another point that stood out to me. Referring to missionary work, Elder Oaks defined success as "inviting no matter the response". Why can I accept this as success in missionary work? Going back to the story of Alma and Amulek, they were still rejected at times, but they did their part. If we invite, we do our part and leave the invitation up to the agency of the individual.

I still have more of Conference to watch because of the time difference, so hopefully more questions will be answered. As you see in the picture, we had our two new Chinese friends at Conference, John and Eason. They loved it!

We had our monthly trip to London for Mission Leadership Council and this time we drove in. Last minute we got a bunch of requests for supplies which included four boxes of Books of Mormons and there was no way we were going to get that back on the train. We had extra miles so why not. We drove in on Tuesday night because there is barely any traffic and stayed the night in the flat just down the road from Hyde Park Chapel.


-Elder Ammermon

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