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Election Results - We Have No Idea

P-day is often our busiest day of the week and sometimes things just slip through the cracks.

Well this past week was an exciting one to see the reaction to the election across the pond. So many people ask us what we think about the election results and all we say is we have no idea what to think because we have both lived over here for the whole campaign- which is true, We don't pay attention to the news, we don't research it, we don't do anything political.

Every week so far we have had 2-3 exchanges a week, so Elder Santiago and I spend quite a bit of time away from each other. Wednesday we were with the elders from Cambridge and we found this really cool guy by the name of Jordan! We have been showing people the Christmas video from last year because the one from this year isn't out yet and we watched it with him on the street. We were able to see him a few more times and he came to church with us- his first church service ever. Blessings for enduring the cold rain to talk with people!

Upcoming this week we are going to London for an exchange tomorrow, and we have a meeting with all the leadership around Colchester here in Colchester on Friday. It's going to be busy!


-Elder Spencer Ammermon

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