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Let Us All Press On

Transfers week is here already! I can't believe this is #14 for me. The curse of one transfer companions has been broken with Elder Parkin because Elder Santiago and I are going to stay together for another transfer through Christmas. There are a lot of exciting changes happening in the zone and all for the better. Transfers week always makes me reflect on how I have grown to appreciate change, like I wrote about last transfers week. Transfers week is always exciting, moves calls on Monday evening being the most exciting part.

I'm not sure how transfers are done in other missions, but this is how we do it here. Monday of transfers week is a normal working day, often filled with a lot of anxiety. If we are receiving a new assignment (trainer, district leader, zone leader, etc...) we get a phone call from either President Stevens or the Assistants. As a zone leader, President Stevens always calls to let you know what is happening to your companionship. The Assistants call Monday evening with all the moves happening in the zone, then at 9.45 on Monday night we do a zone conference call and announce what is happening to every companionship. Tuesday becomes p-day, and Wednesday is actual transfers. All the missionaries and their companions being transferred take the train into London to a pre-assigned centrally located train station, find their new companions, and head off. Then the new transfer begins!

I have been somewhat drawn to the lyrics of a hymn this week when reflecting upon the last transfer. It is #243 Let Us All Press On

Text and music: Evan Stephens, 1854–1930

These are verses 2 and 3

"We will not retreat, though our numbers may be few

When compared with the opposite host in view;

But an unseen pow’r will aid me and you

In the glorious cause of truth.


"If we do what’s right we have no need to fear,

For the Lord, our helper, will ever be near;

In the days of trial his Saints he will cheer,

And prosper the cause of truth.


The lyrics have many direct relationships to missionary work. I won't point them out because that would take the fun out of it, but I am grateful to be in a place where religious freedom prevails, and we can go about prospering the cause of truth with no real need to fear. Sure there is lots opposition and though our numbers may be few, I have been cheered in my days of trial in the glorious cause of truth. I know The Lord, our helper, will ever be near, with His unseen power that will aid me and you. This has really stood out to me over the past transfer.

Well, this is the Christmas transfer!


Elder Spencer Ammermon

England London Mission

64-68 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road

South Kensington


England SW7 2PA

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