Merry Christmas! I have been feeling melancholy about Christmas this year. It is exciting because it is Christmas as a missionary, sad because I know it is my last one, peaceful because we get to help others, and stressful for all the planning. A very mixed bag of emotions.
First of all, I am grateful to all the members that did little things for us for Christmas. Even things like feeding us make such a big impact. Being around the members gives us some much-needed relaxing time.
This past week we did a lot of traveling around. One of the places we went to was an island called Mersea Island, which supposedly is world-famous for their oysters and other seafood. We went down there to try to talk with some people but there was no one out on the cold and grey day, so we took a short walk on the beach. I had completely forgot what it felt like to walk on sand since I hadn't in a year and a half. There are all these little shacks on the beach that people stay in for the day during the summer that are all coloured brightly and all different colours. That was a really nice day.
The other highlight besides Christmas day was an exchange that I got to go on- in Braintree! It felt like yesterday that I had been walking those streets as a new missionary and it felt so good to be back. We said hi to a lot of members and visited people I used to teach.
Upcoming this week we have two exchanges, one of which we are going into London for. Though it will still be busy, it will not be like the past few weeks, which I am happy for.
-Elder Spencer Ammermon