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Foggy Colchester

Good morning from foggy Colchester! Nothing says good morning quite like mist and 2 C temperatures just to remind us that this is a proper English winter. Despite the "right to the bone" cold, the work moves on steadily week by week.

This time of year is one of the best times to find new people for us to teach. All the Uni students are just starting up the 2nd half of the year and no exams are in the way. We find a lot of Chinese students who are very interested in learning about Christianity, mainly because religion is so closely tied to Western culture. To our Chinese friends, they get a completely new and thrilling outlook on life when they get their first experience coming to know God. For us, we take steps backward to teaching very simply and clearly, and also get to learn about their culture in the process. Chinese culture is very respectful of teachers and professors, so our Chinese friends always do their best to keep our commitments as a matter of respect for us, and for God. As a result, our friends are so open to receive their own answers and knowledge.

Upcoming this week we are going into London and we have a worldwide missionary broadcast on Wednesday!


Elder Spencer Ammermon

England London Mission

64-68 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road

South Kensington


England SW7 2PA

Here are some pictures from Sunday. We had lots of friends at church. Our friends Rebecca and Michael came, and the sisters had a bunch of friends there as well. The sisters are Sisters Mattos and Searle


Elder Spencer Ammermon

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