This past week went by fast! We had another trip to London for an exchange, we met some cool people, and we are finally getting a little bit warmer weather!
This past Wednesday we were walking around the University talking with people, and I noticed this student walking around with a directional antenna called a Yagi (or a beam, whatever you prefer) and naturally I had to go talk with him. His name is Yan and he is studying drones and needed the directional antenna for some project he was working on using GPS. I haven't had a conversation about this in about two years now, and it felt like speaking a foreign language! I felt a bit bad for my companion because he was left out, and we talked about antennas and RF for about 20 minutes. (For those of you who don't know, I have studied radio communications since I was 13 through amateur radio, and I love working with antennas). Included is the picture I took with him.
The next two weeks are going to be really busy. This week we have another trip to London on Thursday for a meeting and will get back Thursday evening, and then Friday we are going down to Surrey to the temple. Sunday is Mother's Day here in England and I will be doing my last Skype call with my family then, because I go home the week before Mother's Day in the states. Next week we go to London on Wednesday for MLC, and Friday we have Zone Meeting again already. Throw in some exchanges in there and all the regular teaching appointments that we have, it's going to fly.
Elder Spencer Ammermon
England London Mission
64-68 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road
South Kensington
England SW7 2PA