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Perfect P-Day and a Fun Week

Today is a very rare day. Looking out the window right now from our flat in Hampstead, there are absolutely no clouds in the sky. Perfect for p day! The days are getting longer and my time is getting shorter. I have this p day (Apr. 24), and next week (May 1) as my two last Monday p days, and the following week p day will be on Tuesday, May 9th as it is transfers week. I might have a little bit of time to write something then but I'm not sure. That day I will need to clear my iPad and turn it in.

We had quite a fun week this past week! One of the highlights that got an extra long journal entry was Saturday. We are struggling to have people to teach, so Saturday we were "on the grind" for most of the day just out talking with people. I noticed a pattern of how our finding goes: I seem to always attract/find the crazy, drunk, not-quite-there people that are out. People's responses to the untrained ear can be quite insulting, but to us it's just funny. The most common response is "sorry I haven't got time" even when our question is "Hey what is your favourite music?" It would take them less time to respond with an actual answer than it does to say "sorry I haven't got time".

The people that do stop are interesting as well. In one instance on Saturday, we got a lecture on what we believe by a drunk guy (it was a little bit past 4.00 PM as well), who we ran into not once, not twice, but three times! We stopped him initially (didn't know he was drunk), we finished our conversation and left but he was yelling at us down the street so we went back to try to subdue him in some way, but then he wanted to argue even more, so we just walked away again. We walked around the corner and got on a bus in hopes of getting away from him. Two stops later, he gets on. Round three. By this point I think he actually forgot the first two conversations we had and started right from the beginning, but now we got off at a tube stop and took the tube to a completely different place. Finally some relief. So overall, we have lots of fun out talking with people, even if all we meet are crazy people. A bad day in the mission field makes for a good journal entry (or blog post).

We also had the opportunity to have some service projects with some members this past week. The picture is us mixing some concrete with a member for a slab we poured. (I'm not mad in the picture either- it was supposed to be a serious pose but I'm the only native English speaker in the picture and the other two didn't understand what I meant)

Upcoming this week we have our office time, as well as lots of time to find people to teach! (Which means lots of good stories for later)


Elder Spencer Ammermon

England London Mission

64-68 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road

South Kensington


England SW7 2PA

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