Mission Conference and More Gardening
Hello all! I finally got the pictures from the mission conference in South Kensington. This is the entire mission outside Royal Albert...
Big Families and Service
Hello all! What another fast week we had here in Witham and Braintree. Time seems to be speeding up as I speak. This week we had a lot of...

Reported a Fire
Zprasti! (Hello in Bulgarian). As usual, this week went by very fast. We had an interesting miracle happen yesterday, we did lots of...
What A Week
What a week! A lot has happened this week week so hopefully I can summarise it properly. Last Tuesday we had a great opportunity to hear...

Visit to Cambridge and No Longer A Missionary in Training
Pictures are: St. Mary's Church just outside of Witham where I played the organ, me at the organ in St. Mary's church, which came out of...

Villages Are Great
The picture of the two of us is at the Church in Shalford. The picture of me alone is at Michaels in Braintree. Like I seem to say every...

Knocking on Doors in Little Dunmow
This week went by so fast as usual. It was a changing week for me especially. This week we had zone conference with President and Sister...

Just An Interesting Week
Hello everyone! We had an interesting week here in Essex. We had a relaxing p-day in the park last week, we got invited to be Masons,...

Missionary Work Is Not Easy
And just like that, another week flys by. This week we had zone training meeting in Colchester, a wonderful lesson with Bernadette (the...

Two Months Out Already
Week one of transfer two is done in the blink of an eye. I can't believe it's already been two months as well! It feels like yesterday...