Let Us All Press On
Transfers week is here already! I can't believe this is #14 for me. The curse of one transfer companions has been broken with Elder...
London Exchanges and I"m Tired
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Colchester has turned on the lights in town, and *drum roll* the 2016 Christmas Initiative...
Election Results - We Have No Idea
P-day is often our busiest day of the week and sometimes things just slip through the cracks. Well this past week was an exciting one to...
Well, winter seems to have come all at once (or at least the temperature has). We are already half way through the transfer as well. That...

Happy Halloween, Obedience, A Lot Happening
Happy Halloween! This past week has been an exciting one and very busy. Since it was the week of MLC and Zone Meeting we had more...
Great First Week in Colchester
Hello everyone! This has been a great first week in Colchester. I don't have a lot of time this week because we have been so busy getting...

Transferred to Colchester
Transfers week is here already! It's been an amazing and unforgettable six months here in Northampton, nine months total in the zone now,...

Flat Was Sold
Hello everyone! This week has gone fast and this transfer even faster! I can't believe we are in the last week of the transfer now. I...

October Church General Conference
It feels like yesterday that I was watching General Conference in Wembley, and now another Conference weekend has passed here in...

College Has Started Again
Hello Uni students! The new year for the University of Northampton is starting this week and I have loved seeing all the students walking...